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ART Photography ASIA (APA) is an Asia-based group of photographic artists working cooperatively to bring their vision globally to all who appreciate fine art. APA members agree about the role of photography as fine art. We seek to enhance our members' artistic vision through group exhibitions and other creative activities.
APA opens its membership to talented fine-art photographers in Asia. APA will provide younger members with the practical experience and advice necessary to further their own visions.
ART Photography ASIA (APA) は個性豊かなビジョンを世界のアート愛好家に向けて発信しているアジアの写真作家グループです。写真は「記録」を出発点とする媒体ですが、APAの会員は記録を超えた「アート表現」という考えに立ち、創作・展覧活動を行っています。APAはアート表現に挑戦する優秀な会員を募り、新しい時代を牽引する若い才能を発掘し応援しています。
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