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November 02, 2016

2016 ART Photography ASIA EXHIBITION

ART Photography ASIA(APA) は個性豊かなビジョンを世界のアート愛好家に向けて発信するアジアの写真作家グループです。写真は「記録」を出発点とする媒体ですが、APAの会員は記録を超えた「アート表現」という考えに立ち、創作・展覧活動を行っています。今回は11名のアーティストによるファインアート・フォトグラフィー・プロジェクト作品を展覧します。会期が神宮外苑を中心に行われる東京デザインウィークと重なりますので、合わせて芸術の秋をお楽しみください。入場無料

ART Photography ASIA (APA) is an Asia-based group of photographic artists working cooperatively to bring their vision globally to all who appreciate fine art. APA members agree about the role of photography as fine art.Eleven artists will exhibit their fine-art project works for the 2016 exhibition. Since the APA exhibition will coincide with the Tokyo Design Week events in Jingu Gaien, Tokyo, please enjoy the wide range of art activities during the exhibition period. Admission Free.

TIME:November 3 (Thu) - 8 (Tue), 2016 / 11am - 7pm


ADDRESS:GALLERIA 2F, 5-51-3 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
        東京都渋谷区神宮前5-51-3 GALLERIA 2F

RECEPTION:  November 5 (Sat) 5:30pm - 8pm (入場無料/Admission Free)

Hideaki Anzai      安齋 英明
Keiji Doi              土居 慶司
Kazumi Goto       後藤 和美
Yuri Goto            後藤 友里
Coju Hemmi       
Minoru Hotsuki    宝槻 稔
Hirotaka Kasuga   春日 広隆
Takako Kido         木戸 孝子
Minoru Okabe       岡部 稔
Mitsuhiro Shoji     小路 光博
Wynn White    

September 04, 2016

New Exhibition is comming soon

APA Exhibition 2016 will be held from November 3th through to November 8th. at Promo-Arte Omotesando!

More detail will be comming soon.

November 11, 2015

2015 Promo-Arte Omotesando

At Promo-Arte Omotesando


高橋佑季、土居慶司、Coju Hemmi、宝槻稔、Wynn White

April 30, 2014

2014 Izukogen Art Festival

At Atlier KASUGA  Izukogen

安斎英明、岡部稔、岡崎正人、春日広隆、木戸孝子、後藤和美、土居慶司、Coju Hemmi, Wynn White


April 30, 2013

2013 Izukogen Art Festival

At Atlier KASUGA  Izukogen

岡崎正人、春日広隆、木戸孝子、土居慶司、Wynn White、Peter Miller



January 27, 2013

2013 Art Photography ASIA Yoshidamachi Gallery

At Yoshidamachi Gallery / Yokohama Japan

岡崎正人、木戸孝子、土居慶司、春日広隆、Peter miller、Wynn White

October 04, 2012

2012 Monochrome Photographer's Exhibition

At Izukogen Museum


April 30, 2012

2012 Izukogen Art Festival

At Atelier KASUGA Izukogen

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©2016 ART Photography ASIA

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